Thursday, February 12, 2009

Top Reasons You Can't Blame the Media

Where do we begin? Perhaps the sports industry can play the role of the birthmark for this agenda. It seems as though every several hours there's a substance abuse scandal seizing the entire industry. If I had a buck for every moment they spend on Barry Bonds and his performance enhancing cream I would probably enjoy regular martini and café latte with my dearest Oprah. This whole steroid embankment has become a circus act or a trolley ride through Disney, and it has become a bottomless pit of shame and discuss. Does anyone really care who's juicing whom at this point? The answer is NO! All we want to see is balls flying out of the old park. Just imagine the major league going after some nearly fifty-year-old pitcher for a diagnostic sample just to see if his greatest season opener was a case of illegal rubbing oil! Give me a break!

Well somehow the juice brimmed over and has trickled through the transmissions and exhaust pipes of Nascar. Is this really a surprise? I'm not so sure that those kegs busting, Bud Ice slurping sports fans are really that caught up in the technicalities of the sport. I mean all they really want to see is their winning Nascar team on the cover of the Daily News paper. I suspect the morning paper would have to do anyway considering the well above the level of legality due to the tipple pampering during the mania.

How can we neglect the NBA player jump shooting out of the closet. Ok nothing against gay people I mean it is your choice after all however, why is there a need to include me and everybody else in your deepest secrets? Whatever you and Tony or what's his name choose to do is not my concern, and obviously not Tim Hardaways problem right? What on earth were you thinking Timmie? My bad maybe you just weren't thinking at all. That pitiful apology was just as lame as Michael Richards claim of it was just jokes. Well who's laughing now? By the way who is that gay guy anyway? I mean I know him, but I don't know him you know what I mean. Look we had enough with Dennis Rodman and his make over from Elvira's Overnight bag we don't need another superman or wonder woman?

Enough of the wide world of spoiled sports era what's with the lawman turned unlawful man? Yes I'm talking bout the Big Bad Dog! Now maybe it's just in my world but I was always under the understanding that law officials upheld the law not violate the law. Its conceivable to believe that abiding by the law is part of the criteria and job description, or maybe he didn't get that far in the manual. I would surely like to read his version of job description and duties.

With no hurry to get James Brown buried, and poor Anna gone and made a pawn (are they ever going to get this stuff straight or what) who could miss little Britney and her hair raising, head shaving attempt to avoid coverage of her tattoo and/or rehab problem. Nonetheless we end up with the topic of all topics:

Astronaut gone WILD. Now this one is surely for the ages!

Where else could you find a civilized, respectable, and one would think intelligent moron returning from outer space to meet in a head-on collision with her lover's lover. TEXAS for crying out loud; where else? They say everything is bigger and better and they definitely tipped the scale with this one.

Whether we consider the frenzy stirred up by the media to depict these individual subjects to be outlandish or we dislike the obsession to obtain them we most certainly have to agree that the media possessed no function in the main roles of this area under discussion, but merely acted in a response to subject matter. How quick we fall victim to judging the very things that we look forward to on a daily basis. You may not agree with all the media coverage you hear or read, but nonetheless you have to agree that the anchorperson is not the main character in the act; just the supporting cast.

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