Thursday, February 12, 2009

Ideas that Help Keep Relationships Alive

As we travel through our teen and young adult life we become inclined to visualize our futures and try to link all the attachments of life together. These mental depictions usually include family, spouses, careers and friends. Unfortunately they don't always turn out to be the realistic and ideal perception of life in accordance to society and the pros and cons that beat our doorsteps on a daily basis. We plan for perfection and greatness by any means; nonetheless we await our inevitable outcomes like mere pawns on the battlefield.

Focusing in on the relationships or the marital areas of life presents a series of constant or consecutive fashions that become a replica to a giant thorn in the side of the emotional torso we call relations between men and women. Whether it thrives as an exhausted feeling ignited by some form of continued pattern or chain of events (simplified as here we go again) or a sketched outline of the battle before the picture tube there is certainly an obvious ill that orbits among the home front. What is the reason for this madness? Is there any cogent or rational solution for it?

Usually no one sticks around long enough to figure this one out. The disappearing act somehow takes over the mainframe of events and no longer can it become tolerable. Well folks unfortunately this is the wrong path. The fork in the road has met us head on and we bow down to a lesser of two evils. The bottom line is we take the sucker move when we abandon ship!

How do we allow the compassion for our mates and their feelings or emotions to fall through loop holes in a quest for self gratification? Is this really what we want for the person we claim we have shared so much love for? This negligence is one of the main reasons we deal with the manufactured affair issues in our life endeavors. This has become a cavity and an explosion of decay to our love sickened relationships.

Although there is no one solution to the omen that strikes our relationships down we canstill pay close attention to the obvious. At one time your involvement with your counterpart had to contain some form of real substance in order for you to pay visit to the tone of an upward bound staircase towards the pursuit of happiness with this person. Also a presence of attraction demanded an imperious stance in the core of the totem pole of your dealings with your mate.

In saying that, somewhere dwelling in the center of these particles resides the very basis and nature of the foundation needed to reproduce that fire needed to replenish your fruitful and rewarding abode together. It will take a great deal of self reflection by both parties to validate the life-line of your bond but here is where you will find your starting point.

Think back to when you met, the first time you would talk on the phone. The way you used to run to the phone to check the caller idea to see if he/she called. Remember the smile that plagued or besieged your face when your partner's ring tone played aloud from your cell phone. If you can imagine these very events you can find yourself at an infant stage of your relationship and you can connect with a building point or corner stone that could help reconstruct your relationship with your mate.

Remember the things you both used to express and share secretly to one another. We seldom remember about the things that made us most happy and appreciative of our other half. If he enjoyed you resting on his chest before he certainly could reflect back to that point if you could meet him half-way.

One great way to reflect on the past is pictures. You know they say pictures can say one thousand words well put it to the test. Get out that old photo album and lay it on the table. Hand him his favorite drink and a sandwich as soon as he hits the door and open wide. Laughing is the greatest enemy to bitterness, anger, and stress. Try it sometimes it works. It is also the easiest way to deal with a very serious issue.

Finding a way to tell him you believe in him is crucial. No matter how hard the days may have been for your man if you tell him or better yet show him you have his back; no matter what happens; He's down for whatever. There is no greater feeling for a man than the reassurance that his woman is there for you in any and everyway. He will show gratitude in one way of another.

Another thing women need to remember is that men are not mind readers and yes men are very forgetful. If he is not tickling your fancy like he used to it's not that he is being selfish it's just that men become very complacent and content which always shows up when he is set or bent on remaining with the one he has committed to. There is a good and a bad thing in this. Its good because you can rest assure that he's coming home at night; however the bad part is that he isn't feeling the challenge any more. The drive to win you over has subsided now that you have become the girth of his team. The package is complete now and his quest for companionship is over now that you are amid the stable. This could work to your advantage if only you knew! There is no greater drive for man than the thrill of the chase, and any given Sunday you can bet he will be up for the challenge. The key word to this working in your favor ladies is


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