Thursday, February 12, 2009

Perfect Partner; Does it Really Exist?

For many moons people have tried to define this object of affection, but most have always fallen short of the prize. How do we explain this? Have we not experienced enough time in this mystic area to get at minimum or a basic understanding of its qualities? Is there a simple or rational reason for failing to create a description of this unprecedented desire?

The answer is not a simple answer and it can present itself as a very complicating opus, however so does its solution. Thus it seems to be almost impossible for the average person to adhere to.

Let us first look at the early part of this subject in order to detect the commencing cross roads that lead to the misinterpretation of this matter. The question to ask is how can you bring detail to something that you have never experienced totally and whole heartedly? This task is impossible because you have yet to taste the finery imbedded in the core of this entity. For example if I minister to you concerning the pleasures of bathing in the clear waters of the Virgin Islands while sipping on Bahama Mamas and delighting you taste buds with fresh sweet mango and watermelon chunks your mouth would probably begin to water instantly. Although you may never have had the luxury of indulging in such an event you could almost feel the sun lay against your skin causing your pores to open and your sweat glands to almost explode due to the salted moisture build up that controls your body temperature. Even though you may have never witnessed such a delighting affair human nature delineates a near perfect picture that you begin to craze for. This craze then becomes an unwarranted and indefensible desire caused by the imagery that had become a reality in your mind.

This is the same means by which we begin to search for our better halves. We always hear these magnificent love stories and twenty, thirty, and even fifty year old marriages of yesteryear, however today certainly produces far more minuet or desolate marital outcomes.

At one point or another our so-called soul mates held the title of being almost perfect right? Well at least everyone that we became attached to or held on to suited this title. The irony of it all isthat we bypassed the key words in the above phrase; almost and perfect and the very moment we neglected to appreciate or respect these words we press the fast forward button advancing us down misery road. The danger signs begin to flash as we spiral down the funnel of WOES! Every time we do this we omit Murphy's Law and the gravitational rule; what goes up must come down.

Entirely too much time is spent channeling our energy towards this old school and holiday kind of love. Its not that this love doesn't exist any more, but more importantly its not something that grows on trees. Can you say "they sure don't make them like they used to". Well boys and girls welcome to the new real world or better yet welcome to the MATRIX!. There is no perfect love although you can make your love as perfect as it can be. In plain English what works for you doesn't necessarily work for me, however we can make arrangements and sacrifice for the betterment of us.

So when you are making these monumental and life changing decisions it would benefit and be exceptionally profitable to you if you would consider two major factors;

The first would be to know what it is that you are looking for. This means you would have to spend some time with yourself in an attempt to master the person you have evolved into. This is very important because if you don't recognize where you have been you certainly cannot plan a future containing any substance and you will remain in the sphere of greif.

The second thing to consider is to be honest with yourself. You already know what your dos and don'ts just as you wills and your will nots so openly admit them to yourself and then to you chosen partner. This will present a non biased approach for you to introduce to your mate allowing open dialog between the both of you. Once you set the stage with honesty and a presumed sense of dignity you both can begin to plan a successful journey to happiness and to a "Perfect Partnership"

To sum it all up there is a definition of the Perfect Partner and it begins with the Perfect Partnership. A marriage is just that a perfect partnership and it is exactly what you make of it so make the best of what you are blessed to have or share with someone special. If you are fortunate to apply this to you life be grateful in order to be fruitful, and enjoy your Perfect Partner.

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