Thursday, February 12, 2009

Fitness Are You Really Ready?

The majority of people seem to somehow continue to revolve around in a mental spider web in the world of fitness. They always seem to find a way to minimize or funnel their interests of fitness to oneproblem or dilemma; the weight factor. This is a major problem because most individual resort to the use of the so-called nutritional regimens that promote the use of pills and drink mixtures. The products initially seem to help the initial drive but the participants have no clue of the after affects of the products.

The advertisement of these products spare no revenue when it comes to the amount of dollars contributed to the promotion of the items but it is ironic to see the monies issued or geared towards the informative aspects of total fitness or total wellness.

Here are several objectives you should have when it comes to implementing a total fitness program;
First off all you have to have a game plan in place and it should be in direct veiw so that you can read it everyday (posted on the refrigerator or bedroom mirror etc). This means that you should have a writing or typed copy of what your goals are (make sure that these are realistic goals). Your goals should also have a time frame for reaching short term and long term goals. The very next component should be an ideal time frame to complete your tasks (daily, weekly and monthly). You need to be sure that you are able to get to your workout destinations promptly and be ready to get down to business. Consulting a trainer is an awesome thing to do because most people don't realize that a trainer can actually set you on your way with a mini tour of the facility and its workout machines. During this time the can point out the particular machines you will be using in order to complete you exercise program. They also give body fat percentage test for free or little to nothing. Personal training is not recommended for beginners and people who have not worked out before or haven't worked out in a long period of time. The reason for this is simple most of these individuals will not be prepared mentally or physically for this type of performance. Personal training is a process or a method of enhancing to another level of fitness or performance and this process should be handled as such. This is a major reason why most trainers allow people a free one time only workout (if they are at a neighborhood gym or recreational center it may vary). Ok so now you think you are ready to work out right? Well the answer to that question is no! Your next step is to check with your physician to be sure that you are able to do the exercise you are preparing for. Personal Trainers are not doctors and most are not nutritionist. WE have obtained some knowledge in these areas because of our experience but we are not responsible for health issues we are not made aware of. In other words our insurance that we are obligated to keep current does not cover medical issues we are unaware of so always check with your doctor before you begin a new program. Now this next step is very very important and in my 12 years of experience as a personal trainer/consultant this has been a major issue with women more than with men. Take your scale out of your bedroom or bathroom and place it in an attic or closet far away from arms reach. You should weigh yourself in on the very first day that you prepare to begin your work out. After that day you should not make any visits to the scale for at least five to six weeks. The reason for this is simple with all of the extra body weight picked up daily from water, liquids, foods and from muscle you are gaining throughout you program there are no accurate figures that will satisfy your eyes within that period of time however it is essential to check it atleast weekly after you have reached your five to six week mark to make sure you are able to maintain what you have already achieved.

To sum things up I will add this working towards total fitness or total wellness is a great task and it requires discipline and sacrifice. Motivation is a key factor but it will also come with the territory. There is only one personal you can count of throughout your program and throughout your life that will be totally honest with you no matter what. That person is you! Know your limits and know yourself well enough to say when and where you have reached those limits.

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