Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just what we needed... Actually!!

Initially I was a bit embarrassed by the image Kanye West presented to the public during the awards show. Although this was typical Kanye West we can see how bad timing and the wrong ingredients can destroy a well designed buffet so to speak. I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion; and freedom of speech is beyond words. I have no quarrel with that by no means, however his actions were as distasteful as the combination of Brussels sprouts and ice cream (again matter of opinion).

Nonetheless there is always a light at the end of the tunnel or a candle burning in the dark for such travesties.

Growing up in NYC the Hip Hop Mecca I can recall spending ample at the school yard Jams in Brooklyn (P.S. 213 on Hegamen ave for example) and even the summertime block parties where a sea of faces mixed in a crowd embellished in a complete culture filled with expression and more importantly filled with love. The Kutis Blows, Melly Mels, KRS Ones and Rakims of yesteryear rocking what seemed to be a 50 bar freestyle that magnified the crowd (or moved the crowd as Rakim would say) have become as ancient as the B.C. era with little to no regard to the craft that they perfected recording them in history as the fore fathers of one of the richest cultures in the world. The rival gangs battled in freestyle lyrics and break dancing while the B Boys lined the circle with Kangol hats and Bally shoes or shell-toed Adidas and Pumas, lead a parade from the DJ booth to the cut open cardboard boxes that plastered any and every slab of concrete in the Big Apple at one time or another. Back then even the Sucker MC’s had their time to shine, even if only momentarily.
Indeed Hip Hop has somehow taken a back seat in the music mainstream picture. As ironic as it seems the promoting of violence and distributing of street-side pharmaceuticals (not to mention the ear piercing grammatical eras demented and intertwined with a southern draw concocted to complete a rhyme verse ) appear to be a much more entertaining and if nothing else more valuable entity to the music industry; but at what price?

Today Hip Hop is shadowed by an unwarranted, unruly and outlawed shuttle we know as Rap. Although it's towering the Earth's stratosphere with no where to go but down the hijackers are portrayed by sickening advocates we call rappers who are no equivalent to MC's. Yes I believe that Rap has Hijacked Hip Hop and embedded its poisonous thorns in the side of all music while it piggy backs the fundamentals of true Hip Hop. The proof of this is what we actually attribute and refer to as talent as far a Rap is concerned. For instance the most degrading name you could have given someone in Hip Hop is a sucker MC. And curse words were like foreign objects both forbidden and unwanted in the core of true Hip Hop. A far cry from the muddle of language that religiously claims a stake in the top 10 billboard charts today.
Oh where O where has my Hip Hop gone. Oh where Oh where could it be?
So where do we go from here? Perhaps we will find a solution that will romanticize our counterparts to believing that their perversity has run its course and finally we play renditions of "The End of the Road" by Boys II Men or even allow them to link arms to New Edition's "Is This The End" as they pull up the trousers and exit stage left with at least some form of dignity. Or maybe we can gather them by the ship load and send them Bon Voyages clear across the oceans to a land far far away. Either way the banquet should serve its purpose by ridding us of the Tale from the Dark Side.

The bottom line is that we have straddled the fence long enough with this foolishness and it is time for everyone to be held accountable. This recent embarrassment and low class level of self respect has played itself right in the direction we needed it to. Be it Kanye's ill-mannered and distasteful version of a microphone fiend or even the average heavy 808 beat covering the lack of MC talent we certainly have a bubbled scar of shame branded on the face of society via Rap music. Needless to say although many people have contributed and gained wealth from this pool of rubbish and debris and the musky aroma from the muck if compared by class would equate to no more than a bowel movement with great discuss and shame. We blame others for our lack of decency while we promote and accept filth as a means of expression.

Well there is no other level for such music to reach. I believe it is at its highest level and thanks to its unsung behavior there is only room for its reign to fall down. Surely it is not any single individuals fault the blame lays on the back of everyone of us who sit back and allow the trash to pile up in the living quarters of our homes and more importantly our minds.

Although I have never excited myself with the majority of this craft I look forward to the return of REAL HIP HOP.
Will the real Hip Hop please Stand Up!!!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

True Love? Fiction or Non-Fiction

True Love yeah right!

Is there such a thing as true love? Is it possible to encounter such an event that can sweep you away? Well I challenge this question because of the obvious factors that surround this momentous engagement. If there is such a great and wonderful soul grasping movement in our existence how is it that the greater ninety percent of more of the world's population never dance to the sweetness of this tune? This highly anticipated tea party scarcely invites or receives visitation equaling the magnitude of its greatness and fulfillment. Can this artifact come with a simple answer at all?

The answer is far from simple and complex is a mere understatement. There are grave differences that challenge the true love theory to be a realistic entity. We swindle around the majority of our lives expecting to run into the perfect being that will set our entire being on fire and he or she appears to be in some form intertwined in every Keisha or Jason that passes our way. Why is this so common amongst our relationships you ask? Its simple we are searching for that which we may never have. The reason for this is because we are so caught up in the "Hollywood" fairy tales about the unknown and the unseen.

Now to say that true love does not exist is not an exact statement to live by but more importantly its serves a better purpose if we detail the love episode we agree to attach ourselves with on a daily basis. Why are we fighting with the powers that are already in play when we know that at the end of the day we are going to continue with the up and down quandaries that challenge us in the so-called relationships we are already in. Is there love some where in this situation? Is there a chance for love in this situation? If neither of the two can be implemented in the outcome of the ordeal why do we continue to stay put?

The bottom line is this; there is a chance for true love in every situation if we take the necessary steps in the right direction in our quest for finding what we know as true love. When one knows totally what it is that they are in search of in a companion they turn away from misdirection of inappropriate actions that discredit that oneness of their union together. Now this change comes with a heavy burden because it no longer belongs to one of the individuals. It becomes an adaptation for the pair in accordance to their union. In other words your feelings are mines and if you hurt then I hurt, so if I hurt you I hurt myself as well. Now it's easy to say these things but it's even harder to live these actions. However if your agendas are the same then this becomes a very minute order of guidelines to follow.

Filling emptiness is a hunger driven by human nature. It is not a mystery foe the ages yet it certainly has its place in history. It is also a force that cannot be fathomed by any instrument known to man. This drive is tremendous and is capacity is greatly unparalleled and unique. Every journey is different nonetheless everyone at some point in their lives will come face to face with the challenge of finding that one True Love.

Fitness Are You Really Ready?

The majority of people seem to somehow continue to revolve around in a mental spider web in the world of fitness. They always seem to find a way to minimize or funnel their interests of fitness to oneproblem or dilemma; the weight factor. This is a major problem because most individual resort to the use of the so-called nutritional regimens that promote the use of pills and drink mixtures. The products initially seem to help the initial drive but the participants have no clue of the after affects of the products.

The advertisement of these products spare no revenue when it comes to the amount of dollars contributed to the promotion of the items but it is ironic to see the monies issued or geared towards the informative aspects of total fitness or total wellness.

Here are several objectives you should have when it comes to implementing a total fitness program;
First off all you have to have a game plan in place and it should be in direct veiw so that you can read it everyday (posted on the refrigerator or bedroom mirror etc). This means that you should have a writing or typed copy of what your goals are (make sure that these are realistic goals). Your goals should also have a time frame for reaching short term and long term goals. The very next component should be an ideal time frame to complete your tasks (daily, weekly and monthly). You need to be sure that you are able to get to your workout destinations promptly and be ready to get down to business. Consulting a trainer is an awesome thing to do because most people don't realize that a trainer can actually set you on your way with a mini tour of the facility and its workout machines. During this time the can point out the particular machines you will be using in order to complete you exercise program. They also give body fat percentage test for free or little to nothing. Personal training is not recommended for beginners and people who have not worked out before or haven't worked out in a long period of time. The reason for this is simple most of these individuals will not be prepared mentally or physically for this type of performance. Personal training is a process or a method of enhancing to another level of fitness or performance and this process should be handled as such. This is a major reason why most trainers allow people a free one time only workout (if they are at a neighborhood gym or recreational center it may vary). Ok so now you think you are ready to work out right? Well the answer to that question is no! Your next step is to check with your physician to be sure that you are able to do the exercise you are preparing for. Personal Trainers are not doctors and most are not nutritionist. WE have obtained some knowledge in these areas because of our experience but we are not responsible for health issues we are not made aware of. In other words our insurance that we are obligated to keep current does not cover medical issues we are unaware of so always check with your doctor before you begin a new program. Now this next step is very very important and in my 12 years of experience as a personal trainer/consultant this has been a major issue with women more than with men. Take your scale out of your bedroom or bathroom and place it in an attic or closet far away from arms reach. You should weigh yourself in on the very first day that you prepare to begin your work out. After that day you should not make any visits to the scale for at least five to six weeks. The reason for this is simple with all of the extra body weight picked up daily from water, liquids, foods and from muscle you are gaining throughout you program there are no accurate figures that will satisfy your eyes within that period of time however it is essential to check it atleast weekly after you have reached your five to six week mark to make sure you are able to maintain what you have already achieved.

To sum things up I will add this working towards total fitness or total wellness is a great task and it requires discipline and sacrifice. Motivation is a key factor but it will also come with the territory. There is only one personal you can count of throughout your program and throughout your life that will be totally honest with you no matter what. That person is you! Know your limits and know yourself well enough to say when and where you have reached those limits.

Is that Really the Bottomline?

`Why are we so bewildered with religious concepts and beliefs?

Identifying these major problems is critical and essential in defining our major influences and area of confliction in accordance to our faith and religious beliefs. This overbearing distress or disturbance has been the major proprietor in our unification of the One True God.

When we look at this problem, even momentarily, we can see major issues that continue to posses the minds and ideas of those who have a lack of understanding. Certainly our lack of knowledge is an even greater issue nevertheless our misinterpretation of religion and history of religion, culture, and spirituality is an even greater dilemma.

So when asked the question what is religion most of us simple relate to the popular answer; a way of living or a way of life. In a sense I can agree to this but there is another definition that helps identify this title from a different perspective. Religion is simply the organization of spirituality. This may be the most prevalent setback we have in religion. Most religious ideas and concepts have become instruments in the mental imprisonment utilized by conquerors. The religion alone played no part in this impasse, however when we study the history of the various religions of the world we see that the people who contributed to the advancement of the religions have been simply opportunists and conquerors. This does not include the God sent messengers or prophets of the religion, but certainly the mindset of those who facilitated in the expansion of religion in unjust ways are unquestionable bent and fixed in the history of religion.

Staring down the funnel of lust here in the United States we are overwhelmed with religious ideas and separatisms that rebuke simple dialog between believers because of titles, denominations, flags and messengers. Yet we all openly admit that there is only One True God. How can this be a reality if this is a true statement? Why are we so confused and mislead by the powers that be that we are not even humbled enough to agree to disagree. Looking further into this matter we scarcely admit to our ability to agree in accordance to scripture.

Here is a example in the Bible it is said that God himself created the Heavens and the Earth in six day and on the seventh day God rested. Well let us look at this for a moment. Who has set forth the commandment no work on the Sabbath day? The answer is simple; GOD himself ordered this in accordance to scripture so how is it that we continue to neglect this commandment throughout this continent and even abroad. If we start our workday on Monday we are off the course that God has set forth for us to follow, and in doing so we fall short of that commandment. Then we set Sunday as our religious day of the week. Well there are two obvious and prominent matters that reverse or dilute that which was ordained for us to follow by Almighty God himself. Well who has ordered this or said it was ok to go against the grain in this disobedient manner? Again we see several issues that play a role in the arena of religion and the way we are taught religion here in the United States.

In conclusion I wish to state that there are issues that contribute to the misunderstandings and misinterpretations of religion. A greater portion of contributing factors to these issues is the lack of understanding of the history of religion and the turning points or misdirection in the religions. We have to study history with scripture in order to avoid the repeating of historic events that have evolved into events that effected humanity in negative and ungodly actions.

Perfect Partner; Does it Really Exist?

For many moons people have tried to define this object of affection, but most have always fallen short of the prize. How do we explain this? Have we not experienced enough time in this mystic area to get at minimum or a basic understanding of its qualities? Is there a simple or rational reason for failing to create a description of this unprecedented desire?

The answer is not a simple answer and it can present itself as a very complicating opus, however so does its solution. Thus it seems to be almost impossible for the average person to adhere to.

Let us first look at the early part of this subject in order to detect the commencing cross roads that lead to the misinterpretation of this matter. The question to ask is how can you bring detail to something that you have never experienced totally and whole heartedly? This task is impossible because you have yet to taste the finery imbedded in the core of this entity. For example if I minister to you concerning the pleasures of bathing in the clear waters of the Virgin Islands while sipping on Bahama Mamas and delighting you taste buds with fresh sweet mango and watermelon chunks your mouth would probably begin to water instantly. Although you may never have had the luxury of indulging in such an event you could almost feel the sun lay against your skin causing your pores to open and your sweat glands to almost explode due to the salted moisture build up that controls your body temperature. Even though you may have never witnessed such a delighting affair human nature delineates a near perfect picture that you begin to craze for. This craze then becomes an unwarranted and indefensible desire caused by the imagery that had become a reality in your mind.

This is the same means by which we begin to search for our better halves. We always hear these magnificent love stories and twenty, thirty, and even fifty year old marriages of yesteryear, however today certainly produces far more minuet or desolate marital outcomes.

At one point or another our so-called soul mates held the title of being almost perfect right? Well at least everyone that we became attached to or held on to suited this title. The irony of it all isthat we bypassed the key words in the above phrase; almost and perfect and the very moment we neglected to appreciate or respect these words we press the fast forward button advancing us down misery road. The danger signs begin to flash as we spiral down the funnel of WOES! Every time we do this we omit Murphy's Law and the gravitational rule; what goes up must come down.

Entirely too much time is spent channeling our energy towards this old school and holiday kind of love. Its not that this love doesn't exist any more, but more importantly its not something that grows on trees. Can you say "they sure don't make them like they used to". Well boys and girls welcome to the new real world or better yet welcome to the MATRIX!. There is no perfect love although you can make your love as perfect as it can be. In plain English what works for you doesn't necessarily work for me, however we can make arrangements and sacrifice for the betterment of us.

So when you are making these monumental and life changing decisions it would benefit and be exceptionally profitable to you if you would consider two major factors;

The first would be to know what it is that you are looking for. This means you would have to spend some time with yourself in an attempt to master the person you have evolved into. This is very important because if you don't recognize where you have been you certainly cannot plan a future containing any substance and you will remain in the sphere of greif.

The second thing to consider is to be honest with yourself. You already know what your dos and don'ts just as you wills and your will nots so openly admit them to yourself and then to you chosen partner. This will present a non biased approach for you to introduce to your mate allowing open dialog between the both of you. Once you set the stage with honesty and a presumed sense of dignity you both can begin to plan a successful journey to happiness and to a "Perfect Partnership"

To sum it all up there is a definition of the Perfect Partner and it begins with the Perfect Partnership. A marriage is just that a perfect partnership and it is exactly what you make of it so make the best of what you are blessed to have or share with someone special. If you are fortunate to apply this to you life be grateful in order to be fruitful, and enjoy your Perfect Partner.

Top Reasons You Can't Blame the Media

Where do we begin? Perhaps the sports industry can play the role of the birthmark for this agenda. It seems as though every several hours there's a substance abuse scandal seizing the entire industry. If I had a buck for every moment they spend on Barry Bonds and his performance enhancing cream I would probably enjoy regular martini and café latte with my dearest Oprah. This whole steroid embankment has become a circus act or a trolley ride through Disney, and it has become a bottomless pit of shame and discuss. Does anyone really care who's juicing whom at this point? The answer is NO! All we want to see is balls flying out of the old park. Just imagine the major league going after some nearly fifty-year-old pitcher for a diagnostic sample just to see if his greatest season opener was a case of illegal rubbing oil! Give me a break!

Well somehow the juice brimmed over and has trickled through the transmissions and exhaust pipes of Nascar. Is this really a surprise? I'm not so sure that those kegs busting, Bud Ice slurping sports fans are really that caught up in the technicalities of the sport. I mean all they really want to see is their winning Nascar team on the cover of the Daily News paper. I suspect the morning paper would have to do anyway considering the well above the level of legality due to the tipple pampering during the mania.

How can we neglect the NBA player jump shooting out of the closet. Ok nothing against gay people I mean it is your choice after all however, why is there a need to include me and everybody else in your deepest secrets? Whatever you and Tony or what's his name choose to do is not my concern, and obviously not Tim Hardaways problem right? What on earth were you thinking Timmie? My bad maybe you just weren't thinking at all. That pitiful apology was just as lame as Michael Richards claim of it was just jokes. Well who's laughing now? By the way who is that gay guy anyway? I mean I know him, but I don't know him you know what I mean. Look we had enough with Dennis Rodman and his make over from Elvira's Overnight bag we don't need another superman or wonder woman?

Enough of the wide world of spoiled sports era what's with the lawman turned unlawful man? Yes I'm talking bout the Big Bad Dog! Now maybe it's just in my world but I was always under the understanding that law officials upheld the law not violate the law. Its conceivable to believe that abiding by the law is part of the criteria and job description, or maybe he didn't get that far in the manual. I would surely like to read his version of job description and duties.

With no hurry to get James Brown buried, and poor Anna gone and made a pawn (are they ever going to get this stuff straight or what) who could miss little Britney and her hair raising, head shaving attempt to avoid coverage of her tattoo and/or rehab problem. Nonetheless we end up with the topic of all topics:

Astronaut gone WILD. Now this one is surely for the ages!

Where else could you find a civilized, respectable, and one would think intelligent moron returning from outer space to meet in a head-on collision with her lover's lover. TEXAS for crying out loud; where else? They say everything is bigger and better and they definitely tipped the scale with this one.

Whether we consider the frenzy stirred up by the media to depict these individual subjects to be outlandish or we dislike the obsession to obtain them we most certainly have to agree that the media possessed no function in the main roles of this area under discussion, but merely acted in a response to subject matter. How quick we fall victim to judging the very things that we look forward to on a daily basis. You may not agree with all the media coverage you hear or read, but nonetheless you have to agree that the anchorperson is not the main character in the act; just the supporting cast.

How to Define Spirituality

Controlling the Force Within

Since the beginning of man's existence trails have bewildered man and as a result contributes to broader and occasional greater challenges, beliefs and theories in regards to faiths or religious groups of choice. These theories (at times) both bear witness to facts and sometimes contradict the very foundations that endorse and supports the core or main substance that embodies the particular faiths believed whole heartedly by men. Adding to the Genesis phase of such, one can connect the dots (so to speak) that link the origin of religion to the origin of spirituality in man.

Spirituality is a satisfactory level of enlightenment that is transferred through the understanding of the nature and will of a supreme being. In every soul there is such a level that produces this gratifying and rewarding state however, the challenges of this physical world often rejects or redirects the empowering light of guidance from shining within. Spirituality also generates the impulses that assist the emotional and physical responses used to express how one feels about any particular event or series of events throughout one's lifetime.

Man in his nature cannot avoid the presence of spirituality. Even though both pleasures and discomforts will make themselves divulge lavishly in their bold temperaments, any meager change of tide can and usually will dictate the overpowering petition and ability to conquer the demeanor of any man.

If we skim the surface of any event (be it minor or major) beginning at the time starting from the first family proceeding through present time today there is a distinct definition or description of the truth that presents itself in reference to this regard. The initial stage or starting point of every event recorded began as an emotional tumult of some kind. Meaning there was a shift in pattern concerning the stability of the emotional state of a person which trickled down the funnel of spiritual temperament. This causes a certain reaction to physical nature as a result of the effect the event had on the spiritual nature of that individual.

This is what spoon feeds the attitudes towards others in today's society. Simultaneously it becomes an agitator and a campaigner for every set of sexism and racism that contributes to the mistreatmentof mankind. Across the board we pay tribute to the demonist ways of our former leader and teacher with no regards to our fellow man. The question we never ask is why or when we finally ask why it is already too late. The agenda has been met and the harm has already been done.

The importance of controlling emotion is unquestionably one of the most understated practices this world has known. The refusal to acknowledge faults without attitude has once again traveled across borders and intervened in an ecstatically costly fashion and we have not learned from this yet. Not as a people; not as a nation. When we draw borders and put up flags we present objects that initiate arrogance and invite confrontation. This also omits the statement of ONE GOD INDIVISABLE!

How to Deal with Life After Trauma

Trauma and Its Life Changing Power

Are you a victim or a family relative that has suffered from a traumatic event? Is there a sense of blockage or obstruction that seems to hinder you from moving past the horror of this incident? Has this event altered your life in such a way that it appears you have no starting point or new commencement that would contribute to proceeding with your new lifestyle?

If you have answered yes to any of the above questions rest assure you are not alone. There are thousands perhaps even millions that share these same grave feelings of uncertainty when it comes to dealing with trauma.

Although there are no set of perfect rules for rebounding from a traumatic event carved in stone, there are a number of things that can help provide a level of ease (even if it's temporary). Many of us try to continue as if it has never happened, but reality always puts her two cents in the story-line causing us to regroup as we travel down memory lane.

One of the first steps you can take to help the process is talking about it. This has become a very difficult thing to do for most people, because living through the horror one time is certain to be more than enough for anyone. However, there is therapeutic value to this method or remedy which brings an easy stream or allows one to take a deep breath and exhale. You can say its like you are waiting to exhale in a sense and this is one way of relieving a portion of the hurt or relieving the stress.

Another way is trying to write about it or write what you feel about the event and what it has done to you. Again there is a great deal you can learn about yourself and what has happened to you. Let'sface the facts its not like we are attending an AA meeting (no pun intended) but I am not familiar with any convention or gatherings that opens their doors to people that have been through situations that have redefined the lifestyles as it has done for us. There are religious organizations that permit such affairs but everyone in that settings has not spent an equal share of time on this road as we have, so this becomes an all eyes on me feeling which usually dissuade and frightens people away from doing this at these places. Just think people who have simple things to say shy away from standing up before their peers to say a few words, therefore its obvious a tragic event could present itself in a greater and much bolder field. So writing out the complete picture in your own words has its advantages.

Now no one really wants to replay such tragedy over and over again, but at the same time we cannot prevent human nature from taking over. See the mind works at its own pace and at its own predetermined level. This means that you have only a fraction of control over certain things that becomes visible to you through your mental capacity. If this was an untrue statement we could have pleasant dreams every night rather than share than share the horrifying nightmares that haunt our subconscious on a regular basis. So try filling the void or empty state by reiterating delightful settings and predicaments you have experienced consistently throughout you day. This can become a tool that can counteract the troubled and uncomfortable modes we tend to slip into from time to time.

One of the greatest things we have to do is tell ourselves that there is nothing wrong with us, and that we are not responsible for the evil things that the party (parties) involved has permitted to control and take over their demeanor. IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT! No matter what you have done it was not your fault. When you are a victim of any kind of misfortune you have to remember that you are just that; A VICTIM. Too many of us suffer from this epidemic. We only see what we have done in, during or before this trouble came our way, but the fact of the matter is we didn't ask for it to happen and we didn't deserve what has happened either. In saying that to say that if you are a victim you have to break out of that mold. Hold your head up and look at yourself in the mirror and be proud. You have to be proud because you made it through. You are still pushing on and you are striving to live your life regardless of the obstacle you had to spend unwanted time with. This is the only way to remove your sense of being from the bottom of the totem pole to a level of soaring high with the birds.

Searching for strength is a great start, but you have to be mindful of the person you choose to surround yourself with. Finding a link to your Supreme Being of choice is great. It will prove to be very beneficial to you and the new change of life you have been subjected to. Prayer works greatly because it sends out another sense of relief and this helps the rebuilding process you are presented with on a daily basis.

Hobbies also prove to generate a source of security to individuals that are in need of rebuilding self esteem and to re-establish confidence levels. Finding something that you can be good at and enjoy doing can work expeditiously in this process as well, so find something that will work for you and every time the chips seem to fall down make the best of your new hobby.

It has been about sixteen years since my traumatizing catastrophe had nearly taken my life, and these answers may not be the only suggesting, and perhaps the may not suit everyone's individual need, but here is a great place to start. It is evident that these implications have proven to work unfathomably for my situation and they offer outlets that promote my level of comfort regularly. I try to implement any number of these ideas in my every day affairs and they show a consistent level of improvement and self gratification for me on a daily basis. I hope that they can and will become just as rewarding for you as it has been for me for the past sixteen years.

Ideas that Help Keep Relationships Alive

As we travel through our teen and young adult life we become inclined to visualize our futures and try to link all the attachments of life together. These mental depictions usually include family, spouses, careers and friends. Unfortunately they don't always turn out to be the realistic and ideal perception of life in accordance to society and the pros and cons that beat our doorsteps on a daily basis. We plan for perfection and greatness by any means; nonetheless we await our inevitable outcomes like mere pawns on the battlefield.

Focusing in on the relationships or the marital areas of life presents a series of constant or consecutive fashions that become a replica to a giant thorn in the side of the emotional torso we call relations between men and women. Whether it thrives as an exhausted feeling ignited by some form of continued pattern or chain of events (simplified as here we go again) or a sketched outline of the battle before the picture tube there is certainly an obvious ill that orbits among the home front. What is the reason for this madness? Is there any cogent or rational solution for it?

Usually no one sticks around long enough to figure this one out. The disappearing act somehow takes over the mainframe of events and no longer can it become tolerable. Well folks unfortunately this is the wrong path. The fork in the road has met us head on and we bow down to a lesser of two evils. The bottom line is we take the sucker move when we abandon ship!

How do we allow the compassion for our mates and their feelings or emotions to fall through loop holes in a quest for self gratification? Is this really what we want for the person we claim we have shared so much love for? This negligence is one of the main reasons we deal with the manufactured affair issues in our life endeavors. This has become a cavity and an explosion of decay to our love sickened relationships.

Although there is no one solution to the omen that strikes our relationships down we canstill pay close attention to the obvious. At one time your involvement with your counterpart had to contain some form of real substance in order for you to pay visit to the tone of an upward bound staircase towards the pursuit of happiness with this person. Also a presence of attraction demanded an imperious stance in the core of the totem pole of your dealings with your mate.

In saying that, somewhere dwelling in the center of these particles resides the very basis and nature of the foundation needed to reproduce that fire needed to replenish your fruitful and rewarding abode together. It will take a great deal of self reflection by both parties to validate the life-line of your bond but here is where you will find your starting point.

Think back to when you met, the first time you would talk on the phone. The way you used to run to the phone to check the caller idea to see if he/she called. Remember the smile that plagued or besieged your face when your partner's ring tone played aloud from your cell phone. If you can imagine these very events you can find yourself at an infant stage of your relationship and you can connect with a building point or corner stone that could help reconstruct your relationship with your mate.

Remember the things you both used to express and share secretly to one another. We seldom remember about the things that made us most happy and appreciative of our other half. If he enjoyed you resting on his chest before he certainly could reflect back to that point if you could meet him half-way.

One great way to reflect on the past is pictures. You know they say pictures can say one thousand words well put it to the test. Get out that old photo album and lay it on the table. Hand him his favorite drink and a sandwich as soon as he hits the door and open wide. Laughing is the greatest enemy to bitterness, anger, and stress. Try it sometimes it works. It is also the easiest way to deal with a very serious issue.

Finding a way to tell him you believe in him is crucial. No matter how hard the days may have been for your man if you tell him or better yet show him you have his back; no matter what happens; He's down for whatever. There is no greater feeling for a man than the reassurance that his woman is there for you in any and everyway. He will show gratitude in one way of another.

Another thing women need to remember is that men are not mind readers and yes men are very forgetful. If he is not tickling your fancy like he used to it's not that he is being selfish it's just that men become very complacent and content which always shows up when he is set or bent on remaining with the one he has committed to. There is a good and a bad thing in this. Its good because you can rest assure that he's coming home at night; however the bad part is that he isn't feeling the challenge any more. The drive to win you over has subsided now that you have become the girth of his team. The package is complete now and his quest for companionship is over now that you are amid the stable. This could work to your advantage if only you knew! There is no greater drive for man than the thrill of the chase, and any given Sunday you can bet he will be up for the challenge. The key word to this working in your favor ladies is


Searching for Love: The Power Within

Unlike the movies that generate multi-million dollar income and parades of regular people flocking to the giant screens Love happens to be a vital and essential attachment to the lifespan of the world's population. Now it varies in many ways as it has proven to be defined in a collage of degrees in accordance to the masses.

Evidence of the nature of measure used by people exercise its existence; dwells extensively amongst scales that fluctuate in the age group, gender and preference region (just to name a few). There is also a no holds barred presence that appears when the evaluation of the distinctive levels of attraction from one being to another come into play, which ultimately submerges detailed definitions of attraction that ascend right out of the ball park. Even so, the irony will divulge itself whenever the words are all spread across the board of indiscriminative evaluation.

What is the obsession that becomes widely spread across the board concerning the occasional life long quest for some and a meager hit and miss for others? Is there a proper or utmost innocent and concrete definition for this required entity?

To answer such a question would be almost the equivalent to finding the cure for any world epidemic. It is nearly impossible, but there are countless abbreviated statements that can appeal to the taste-buds of many. The schematics will depend on the individual and the idealistic initiatives or inspirations of the person that lays beneath the surface.

Our endless struggle for this perfect entity always seems to reflect on the channels we choose or utilize to perceive such a satisfactory rate for our need for love. Yet it is only what we make of such an article. Passion, for example, has its own channel of arousal and in its own way it captivates a total different essence from either perspective of the spectrum. You may become subdued by a simple touch of your partner's lips as it may differ for your partner. This doesn't prove to be correct or incorrect nonetheless it is a fact that you will experience different valves and travel through different corridors of pleasures which depends solely on your infatuation with your partner of choice.

This concludes the foundation upon which love at first sight resides. Again if you skillfully look into what determines the make up of your distinctive ingredients you sum up as love, you can see how this is possible. Remember love varies in accordance to the beholder of the defining iniquities of the item. You can love the way a car looks, or drives by having only two separate encounters with the car; one by looking at it and the latter by driving it. Either way the outcome and the use of the word love is determined by the absolute digestive tactics you utilize during your evaluation process.

Love, one of the greatest wonders of the world, has an awe-inspiring and overwhelming force on life that has the capacity to regulate or dictate the behavior and performance of anyone tangled in its web of affection. Its unknown source resides in the breast of every species on the planet and will not fall short of its obligation to conquer.

In your quest for finding love search inside yourself first for those things that initiate a sense of fulfillment and pleasure. Once you have a predetermined platform that appears to show a sense of understanding or a sense of filling the void, you will soon begin to channel into existence a better understanding of what it is you feel compelled to gather in order to receive love. The opening of your inner self is the beginning of the evolution or the fruition state in which you can focus on what you undergo during your journey for the wholesome or total need for love.

Remember love is what you make of it so make the better choices during your journey although this cannot guarantee a perfect love it can guarantee you are putting your best foot forward while you are preparing for your final match.