Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Just what we needed... Actually!!

Initially I was a bit embarrassed by the image Kanye West presented to the public during the awards show. Although this was typical Kanye West we can see how bad timing and the wrong ingredients can destroy a well designed buffet so to speak. I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion; and freedom of speech is beyond words. I have no quarrel with that by no means, however his actions were as distasteful as the combination of Brussels sprouts and ice cream (again matter of opinion).

Nonetheless there is always a light at the end of the tunnel or a candle burning in the dark for such travesties.

Growing up in NYC the Hip Hop Mecca I can recall spending ample at the school yard Jams in Brooklyn (P.S. 213 on Hegamen ave for example) and even the summertime block parties where a sea of faces mixed in a crowd embellished in a complete culture filled with expression and more importantly filled with love. The Kutis Blows, Melly Mels, KRS Ones and Rakims of yesteryear rocking what seemed to be a 50 bar freestyle that magnified the crowd (or moved the crowd as Rakim would say) have become as ancient as the B.C. era with little to no regard to the craft that they perfected recording them in history as the fore fathers of one of the richest cultures in the world. The rival gangs battled in freestyle lyrics and break dancing while the B Boys lined the circle with Kangol hats and Bally shoes or shell-toed Adidas and Pumas, lead a parade from the DJ booth to the cut open cardboard boxes that plastered any and every slab of concrete in the Big Apple at one time or another. Back then even the Sucker MC’s had their time to shine, even if only momentarily.
Indeed Hip Hop has somehow taken a back seat in the music mainstream picture. As ironic as it seems the promoting of violence and distributing of street-side pharmaceuticals (not to mention the ear piercing grammatical eras demented and intertwined with a southern draw concocted to complete a rhyme verse ) appear to be a much more entertaining and if nothing else more valuable entity to the music industry; but at what price?

Today Hip Hop is shadowed by an unwarranted, unruly and outlawed shuttle we know as Rap. Although it's towering the Earth's stratosphere with no where to go but down the hijackers are portrayed by sickening advocates we call rappers who are no equivalent to MC's. Yes I believe that Rap has Hijacked Hip Hop and embedded its poisonous thorns in the side of all music while it piggy backs the fundamentals of true Hip Hop. The proof of this is what we actually attribute and refer to as talent as far a Rap is concerned. For instance the most degrading name you could have given someone in Hip Hop is a sucker MC. And curse words were like foreign objects both forbidden and unwanted in the core of true Hip Hop. A far cry from the muddle of language that religiously claims a stake in the top 10 billboard charts today.
Oh where O where has my Hip Hop gone. Oh where Oh where could it be?
So where do we go from here? Perhaps we will find a solution that will romanticize our counterparts to believing that their perversity has run its course and finally we play renditions of "The End of the Road" by Boys II Men or even allow them to link arms to New Edition's "Is This The End" as they pull up the trousers and exit stage left with at least some form of dignity. Or maybe we can gather them by the ship load and send them Bon Voyages clear across the oceans to a land far far away. Either way the banquet should serve its purpose by ridding us of the Tale from the Dark Side.

The bottom line is that we have straddled the fence long enough with this foolishness and it is time for everyone to be held accountable. This recent embarrassment and low class level of self respect has played itself right in the direction we needed it to. Be it Kanye's ill-mannered and distasteful version of a microphone fiend or even the average heavy 808 beat covering the lack of MC talent we certainly have a bubbled scar of shame branded on the face of society via Rap music. Needless to say although many people have contributed and gained wealth from this pool of rubbish and debris and the musky aroma from the muck if compared by class would equate to no more than a bowel movement with great discuss and shame. We blame others for our lack of decency while we promote and accept filth as a means of expression.

Well there is no other level for such music to reach. I believe it is at its highest level and thanks to its unsung behavior there is only room for its reign to fall down. Surely it is not any single individuals fault the blame lays on the back of everyone of us who sit back and allow the trash to pile up in the living quarters of our homes and more importantly our minds.

Although I have never excited myself with the majority of this craft I look forward to the return of REAL HIP HOP.
Will the real Hip Hop please Stand Up!!!


Amuri said...

I agree with you, however, I see Kayne's incident a bit differently than has been portrayed in the media. Every outburst he's done, no matter how tactless they have been, were from sheer frustration out of wrong doing. When he said "George Bush hates black people," he was not wrong and actually his timing was great. He seemed frustarted by what was going in New Orleans. When he spoke out at awards shows about not being a recipient, he was right, but I do not agree with the manner in which he displayed his argument. It did seem whiney, however, he was right. This last incident. If you look at the award logicially, Taylor should not have received that award. If Beyonce had the best video overall, then it makes sense to think she should have the best female. He was wrong in his approach, correct in his argument.
He does need to learn a filter and when and where. Not to step on the innocent to get your word out, but his voice is one that does cause people to listen whether right or wrong and it causes the debate to begin.

Unknown said...

I agree that Kanye's idea was exact and perhaps even well deserved. The problem I have is that we have to hold celebs accountable for uncharacteristic outburst that bring more negative images to our community. We can no longer brush these things under a rug and excuse them because of a status or image the individual has. Yes he should have voiced his opinion however his timing was totally unappreciated and very disrespectful to the recipient whether the facts were true or not. Again this is the cycle that we have allowed to become the web by which we hang ourselves and this is a major part of the downfall to this generation. These celebs neglect to think about the lives they affect on a regular basis. They forget that they are role models. They have no option after they reach stardom and they need to learn to live up to it or find a new profession. Our children deserve better...

Amuri said...

I don't think anyone has excused Kayne or Serena for their outbursts last week. It does take the conversation away from what they are infuriatied about and focues on their behavior. You can use this to say to a child or young adult, this is how not to behave. It is not acceptable. However, the convo can also go in another direction on what they are saying. Money or Status does not take away from the human factor. We are not androids or vulcans and emotions can override our common sensibilities, celebrity or not. Kanye also had a little liquid courage in his system that served as an assistant. They did it so I'm going to do it is no longer acceptable. We let the fictional character the "stars" are portraying to be the example for behavior, fashion and over all common sense. Hell, more oftent than not, they are not living the life they sing, rap or act out.
Kayne's outburst was wrong. He apologized for it several times. Said he was taking time off because his actions have been less than professional or even courteous. Taking time to reflect on self and his emotions with the death of his mother and break up. Smart move. What about teaching about redemption? He publically embarrased himself and he publically apologized. What more do we need the man to do at this point? What would you do?

Caramel said...

Dah me and you had this discussion and I feel you so much on this. I have sat back and watched Hip Hop the Culture get trampled and walked on.I am from a era of B Boy battles and seeing Doug E Fresh Wise from Stet and Biz Markie making beats with their mouths. We had fun with silly nursery rhymes songs and our videos were nothing more then a live show of our fravorite MC's in at a park jam. Iam not much of a new school fan. Not to many impress me. I like stories and content. And lately I have had my fill of Mixed nonsense coming from these shaggy pants yuck mouth teeth wearing youngsters. Kanye's comment wasn't cool no matter how u see it. And yes True school Hip Hop has again turned the other cheek to disrespect and ignorance.

Unknown said...

Yes Caramel Hip Hop is in need of an exorcism or some sort of filtering process that can force a miscarriage-like event to clean her up. As a culture "We" are in need of a cleansing if we continue to allow this trash to occupy the space of such a colossal and talent filled culture as Hip Hop (true Hip Hop) has been. I look forward to the return of real Hip Hop and I believe with the added events and the ills that attach themselves to certain individuals Hip Hop will be forced to turn to its original state or face being overthrown or defaced and watered down. I believe that the piggy-back riding days of these "career" rappers are numbered and its about time for the REAL HIP HOP to Stand UP!

Amuri said...

I have read and understand what you all are saying, however, I ask what is true Hip Hop? How is what the new guys are doing straying away from your definition of true Hip Hop? Historically speaking, the pioneer rappers rhymed over r&b, funk and soul songs. There was no scratching or mixing of beats, it was the song, the mic and a person on it just talking about whatever. Mostly girls, drugs and the party...oh and most importantly, reppin the dj. How is that different from now. If the original is the true, then are they closer to the original than most say?
I used to pick on Nelly until I heard the Cold Crush vs. Fantastic Five at Harlem World. I was like oh they had singsong rhymes just like the Nelly cat. That was the thing then. They would do what we now call MC'ing as well, but they had long parts of harmonzied song rhyme. With the help of the Treacherous Three, rapping started to become more complex, once fast rhyming became popular. But this was the Bronx style evolving, however Harlem and the other parts were still doing what was coined "disco rhymes."
I said all that to say, we are so quick to judge the newer music, and no I don't like it all but I'm grew up in the 70's and 80's, however it is still part of Hip Hop. The old tapes have women being called all kinds of stuff at the parties. Violence was there. If you look at some of the pictures, they have guns in their promos and fake ones at the shows. Just look at Wild Style. Rhazelle (spelling) had a gun on stage while the Rock Steady Crew was dancing as he rhymed. The difference is it wasn't on the radio. It wasn't on the tv. Not because it was banned, but because no one cared about the music and some poor kids in the ghetto making it.
We glamourize the rap from the 80's as though that's all there was. We talk about PE, Rakim, etc...but there were others who didn't just rhyme about a revolution. Hell even Eric B and Rakim had the cat 50 cents in a picture on their tape (yes tape) and he was known for robbing and taking cats out in the blink of an eye. The difference between then and now is there was a balance between the violence, drugs and whatever by the other self-improvement rhymers. There was a balance between the simple and complex rhymes. And it wasn't all over the tv or radio because everyone thought it was a fad. Heck even Tribe Called Quest said "bust off on your couch now you got semen's furniture." On Electric Relaxation.

So how are they less real now than then?

Ok that's my 25 cents :)

Unknown said...

I agree the new comers weren't the first ones to bring outlandish and rude or degrading lingo to the Hip Hop world. The problem for me is the way they romanticize and promote getting in bed with the same activity that is causing a mixed drink (so to speak) out of something that was not intended to become a platform for filth. Yes there were tons of activities and ventures that took place in the pre-new school era of rap that were not as angel based as we would like for them to have been however the new kids on the block openly admit that they careless of how they are perceived as long as its noted that they are keeping it gutter. The ignorance is overwhelming and no one is calling them out on it because its making money. It is unfortunate but it is coming to a head and it has no more room to go up as it has reached its peak. Now this New Era will have to undergo a filtering and a reconstruction period if it is to maintain a head of steam in the future. I would love to see the transformation sooner than later but I believe it has no other choice it is going to crumble down if it doesn't channel in a new direction.

Naseera said...

I have to say that I disagree I do not think Beyonce video was the best of all time. I liked his Heartless video better than Single Ladies. What is creative about a naked azz female dancing around the whole video. It was the same as most of her other videos. Not different or unique. Typical. Typical Beyonce video. Typical Kanye behaivor however, he was more disrespectful than ever. As a matter of fact that incident has become the best video of all time. As far as Serena she was angry in a competition and frustrated. In heat of passion we do not think. Kanye had time to tell the idiot part of his brain "not such a good idea". Come on yall the girl is 17 years old. It was sad disgraceful and shame on Jay-z for defending that stupid shyt. And then talking about Lil Ma for coming on stage. Can't flip flop it. However Jay-z new CD is banging.

Naseera said...

Now as far as Hip Hop and Rap. Hip Hop is DEAD. I am sorry to inform you Mr. Smalls that Hip Hop was murdered under a contract hit. A hit that was worth billions of dollars and platinum Soulja Boy type records. All the Legends you speak of in this blog were doing it for LOVE. No one is in Love with hip hop anymore. It is purely a Fukk thang and we all are getting fukked over by Rap. Too much money is at stake for hip hop to be brought back to life. RIP

Unknown said...

Well Naseera let me first say that I am not fan of Beyonce for one. Honestly I would like her to cover up a little more. Ok a lot more. In fact that is part of the problem today "unveil the skin to cover up the lack of talent within". I'm not saying that she doesn't have talent I just feel like that Anita Baker song (in a past tense) "She has given us the Best that She's got" at this time. I think she needs a new start now whether or not she will give us that only time will tell, but she has the potential. As far as Kanye again nothing can excuse disrespect and its that lack of disrespect that is killing our Hip Hop culture. But I am sure that youtube is getting a blast of hit because of his silliness. Typical Kanye need a reprogramming process of some sort and he needs to gain some self control and self respect. At least a bit of dignity and respect for others if he feels he doesn't need that for himself if nothing else. FLIP FLOP wel that appears to be the way of the ages. Nowadays you have so called thugs (especially here in NC) working for the feds and claiming they have "street credibility" this is ridiculous however it is the sign of the times... I guess. HOWEVER Jay Z's cd is off the meat rack.......