I was recently posting about a certain celebrity and a testimonial that was posted here on FB via youtube. I was thankful to have a chance to make a comment on the post and at the same time I had an opinion that I wanted to share;
Our people are a strongly bonded people to religion or for a better choice of words what we know as religion here in America. Although we claim to have a grasp on the religious concept of things we are still hanging by the waste-side nonetheless. My question now is why? Why haven't we progressed further and at a must steadier pace? Is it the word or is it the way we are learning it and applying it to our lives.
In any event here we are; still in the same place without any significant growth or forward motion. I cannot answer that by any means, but I would like to share something with you.
Why do we not take time to look at these persons that we support and really take a look at what they are doing before we begin to claim and accept them as our heroes and leaders? Why are we stuck in the midst of their words yet we are clueless to "WHO" these people really are and more importantly what they are and what they stand for?
Is it that we are too superficial or simply that we are so used to just going with what appears to be acceptable? I'll give you another word for that; it's called pacified and we have become like junkies to the pacification of others that could care less about you and I as they roll to their luxurious lifestyle with no regards to how it affects you or I. We are drunk with the ideas of opportunism and we refuse to detox.
If this is all we have to go on then religion has failed us. Again. If this is what religion is teaching us then we have nothing to look forward to. I don't accept that because of what the word religion means. Re means to get back to and Ligion means Gods Path/Way.
With that being said I will end with this;
If you have the bread of life and you never feed the flock who are you hurting the most? You or the flock? If your words are only good on face value then so are your prayers as they won't make it past the ceiling.......
Let's stop being mystified by the woozy feelings we get from these fixation that have yet to put you on their agenda. Let's realize that if we don't count to them now we certainly can't count on them. Let's focus on getting things together as 1 unit so that we can make a movement that will not only shake the country but will change the globe.....
I'm going to leave you with this;
I have talked with several brothers that travel the globe. Some for religious purposes, some for spiritual purposes and even some for financial reasons. Nonetheless they all have come back and said the exact same thing (different words of course) the entire world is waiting on the black people in America to do something for themselves. Anything. Whether its good or bad if the black American can do one thing in outfit or together the entire world can be changed..........
When will we get it. We have to go to these entertainers and leaders (political and spiritual) and tell them ENOUGH is ENOUGH. Our babies lack everything in this world yet we find time to sit home and listen to these people of choice as they fill our minds and spirits with joy and yet they have yet to make a substantial change in our way. These politician who I like to call the (suit wearing Bloods and Crips) that continue to pacify us and tell us how much they are going to do for us and they get in these positions and forget about who put them their. We put hope in the wind beneath the wings of people who are not worthy of our support.
Now we are sitting here like that Escape song "Who Do We Run To" and again we have no answer.
I'm thankful for our President Obama. May God bless that brother and his family. I pray that God may be pleased with him and his actions. He is surrounded by people that show him little respect. Half the media call him Mr. Obama like they forgot that he is the president but what do we do? We sit there and say when is he gonna do this or when is he gonna do that. When we should try to show the brother that we support him after all we are all he has and if he does nothing that satisfies anyone one of us he still made the greatest impact on our family. You can now show your black son and your black daughter that they can become anything in this world "EVEN THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICAN"..... Isn't that a blessing. Just think about that.
Well it's time to realize that its not just up to him. He is an example of what we need to be doing on a smaller scale. In our communities and in our homes.........
May God bless everyone of you that reads this note and I pray that it will change one person's mind and heart so that they can change another...
Monday, July 26, 2010
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